Find the Right Dog For You

Dog Rescues Network
Cockers Angels CO
Cockers as Pets NJ
Cocker Pals Rescue NY
Dog Rescues in NJ
Dog Rescues in NC
Hickory Hill Rescue VA
Ironton Pet Shelter OH
Little Dog Rescue WI
New Hope Rescue AZ
One Dog Rescue AZ
Wisconsin Dog Rescues
Orange County AS FL
Pet Network Virginia
Pet Network WV
Rainbow Rescue NC
Rainbow Rescue MN
South Florida Rescue
South Ohio Rescue
Amelia County AS VA
Galax Carroll Grayson AS VA
Giles County AS VA
Greensville County AS VA
Lee County Pound VA
Russell County Shelter VA
Scott County Shelter VA
Smyth County Shelter VA
Spotsylvania County AS VA
Sussex County Shelter VA
Tazewell Dog Shelter VA
Wyandot Dog Shelter OH
Another Chance OH
Boxer Rescue NC
Chihuahua Rescue
Chow Chow Rescue
Cocker Spaniel Rescue
Peke Rescue Network
Tibetan Spaniel Rescue
Animal Rescues Texas
Animals in Distress Net
River Cities Pets OH
Save the Shelter Pets
Second Chance Pet Net
Horse Rescue Information
 USA Notice Board
 World Notice Board
 Re-homing Advice
 Find the Right Dog
 Message Board
 Lost and Found
 Lost a Dog?
 Care and Training
 Dog Quiz
 Breed Information
 Shelter Directory
 Animal Rescues
Dog Breed Info

Are You Ready to Live With a Dog?
The Pleasures and Pitfalls of Living With a Dog!

Before You Buy or Adopt a Dog
Tips on Choosing a Dog for You.

Dog Breed Info Quiz
What breed of dog is right for your family? Take this quiz and find out.

Dog Breed Info Categories
Select a dog that will fit in with your lifestyle.

Page updated: July 19th 2021
Dog Rescues Network | Advice | Shelter Directory | Notices | Lost & Found | Dog Care | Links | Message Board